University of Illinois
The PETROSS project was led by the University of Illinois at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology. Illinois was founded in 1868 with a focus on research and teaching in agriculture. Since then, the university has continued to be a pioneer in agricultural research, holding the second oldest-running corn experiment in the world. Established in 2007, the IGB is an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to transformative research and technology in the life sciences using team-based strategies to tackle grand societal challenges—including feeding a growing global population.

University of Florida
The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences can trace its existence back to the Morrill Act of 1862, where the federal government awarded 30,000 acres to University's in each state for Agriculture research and education. Today, this University continues to operate experimental plots throughout the state in an effort to better understand plant physiology, plant breeding and weeds. The selectively-bred cultivars the University of Florida has released to the market are renowned in the southern part of the country for high yields and disease tolerance.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The discipline of Ecology was born at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in research on the grasslands and sandhills of that state. To this day, the University is a leader in this area, excelling at understanding plant functions, and the evolution of those functions, in their natural habitats. A land grant institution much-like the University of Florida, Nebraska is continuing to improve the traits of many plants native to that area.

Brookhaven National Lab
Brookhaven National Lab is primarily funded by the United State's Department of Energy. As such, the Lab places a special emphasis on the sustainable energy practices of the future. Covering a swath of studies including physics, chemistry, biology, and applied science, the Lab's state of the art facilities help to facilitate the award-winning innovations Brookhaven is known for.